Meet our Donors

Brigette Smith, SPS Donor

The Society of Physics Students taught me what it means to be a contributing member of the scientific community. The opportunities that I was given by SPS completely transformed my life by teaching me leadership, effective communication, networking, creative thinking, professionalism, and self discipline and by giving me first hand experience interacting with the professional scientific community from various perspectives. They gave me the confidence, motivation, and skills I needed to continue the pursuit of my goals as they have done for countless aspiring physics students. I support SPS because they have always supported my growth as a professional in Physics and I want to see them transform many more lives the way they have for me.

Supporting SPS is important because it is an organization which is actually transforming the lives of students aspiring to become professionals in physics. So many important skills are not taught in the classroom and SPS constantly strives to provide those opportunities for students to develop the vast range of research and communication skills essential to becoming a strong contributing member to the scientific community. Without SPS I would not have the abilities that I do today nor the confidence to continue the pursuit of my goals.

Brigitte Smith is a senior at Coe college where she has been working on the study of scintillating glasses for use as medical x-ray detectors. She is taking the next year off to be with family as her grandmother fights cancer but is intending to return to graduate school in fall 2021. Currently she is most interested in pursuing a path which will allow her to use her degree to contribute in some meaningful way to the fight against the climate crisis.